S3E2 | Our New Co-Host Might Be a Criminal

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Welcome back, it's season three episode two of the Garage Beers podcast. Jimmy, Nick, and Trav coming at you. Hopefully you liked episode one and you're back here for episode two because we got a good rundown here ahead of us today. Boys, how are we doing this week? Good man, we actually finally got an intro where there wasn't a toilet seat going on in the background. I'm not gonna lie, that was funny though. It was pretty funny, actually, listen back to it. I'm glad you kept it in there. I mean, we might, I might just have to go back and like keep that and add it like toilet slams and then it goes into our song.

God damn it, that was the best part. Your genuine reaction. Oh God. We're gonna talk about spring here in a little bit but what the fuck, by the time it snowed on Sunday I was still stinging from my sunburn on Friday. That'll happen Yeah, I've never had a sunburn get windburn. Oh Oh, I mean yeah, I think well and we talked about the seasonality right? Oh my god This is what Midwest weather is like well like even lastly 80 degrees for this time of year was unheard of. Like I was sweating pretty much from Monday through Saturday.

I enjoyed it. That makes one of us. It was a tease. But no, we were at, did you ever go into Yardarm? Last week or ever? Last week. No. You were out, oh, it was the following night, I think. Because we were at Yardarm one of the nights, and then you were out later.

Yes, Saturday night I went out. No, Friday night I was in Iowa City or I was actually technically in Columbus Junction Never been there Fuck no Anyone I have Columbus Junction Speedway Well, that's there Yeah That's where that's where the 5a car made its season debut as a part of the IMCA races Cody I created my company is the is I don't I'm going to call it title sponsor because it's my logo right on the front of the car, so I think that makes me the title sponsor.

First of all, how did that happen? Second of all, zero dollars. Oh, different tax and exchange? Nice. Yeah, so I'm his official media marketing director, so I built him a website. I'm going to manage his Facebook page, photos, videos, social, all that kind of stuff. Do they already have a big following? No, he's got like 250 followers on Facebook. He just started racing four years ago. But yeah, it was pretty sweet. I mean, pretty cool. Drop his name here, let's get some followers. Yeah, Nick Opperle, 5A Motorsports on Facebook and 5amotorsports.com. I haven't officially launched the site yet, but by the time this hits the airwaves, I think we'll be live there.

So that was Friday night. I guess Thursday night we were working on the car and putting the wrap, not like, okay, yes, you fucker. The only tool I had was the drill and I was passing it to the guys doing the work on the car. I was there. I hope you're flashing over here. Pretty much. No, over here, asshole. Yeah.

Dude, all I could think of when I saw that was when we were sponsored by Briss Hard Racing. Uh, so what's funny is our friend Jocelyn, who's an avid listener, when I told her, she's like, wow, at least this is a real race car this time. What did I miss? Did Travis know? No, so is this season one? Yeah. So season one, we're like two or three episodes in, and this guy somehow someone somehow we followed each other on Instagram and he asked if like we the garage beers podcast would be interested in sponsoring his like iRacing league Xbox eSports car.

iRacing is cool though. And like so we did it and then it was like four weeks until like he raced with that car or something. But we had our logo on his hood and everything. I don't think he ever won a race with our car. God no. But we would always be like, alright, our sponsor, Brassard Racing. Yeah. They're like, did you have to pay for this? No. No, no. So he just reached out to anybody who put their shit on his vehicle.

Yeah, we did it on trade I guess, right? So we name dropped him. The trade was we would do like an ad read for him. Right. At the beginning of our podcast. But then he wasn't sending us results or anything like that, so we just started making things up. And then when we Irish-goodbye'd after season one, six months later he was like, so are you guys still doing this? Because it's not really doing anything for me.

I'm like, well, it really didn't do anything for us in the first place. So we just amicably parted our ways. Does he still listen? No, he doesn't. I haven't heard from him. Well, if you're out there and we know you're listening. Nick, you should look him up and see if he blocked us or anything. Blocked? We were his title sponsor on his iRacing car. Key word there being was.

I'll see if I can find him. Yeah, so that was my weekend and then Saturday got caught in that thunderstorm. That was fun. That was insane, dude. Yeah. You were on your bike. Oh, yeah, yeah, right and run the motorcycle and a downpour and then you see lightning like I Don't know 15 miles. How hard was it actually ran? I mean it hurts. No. Yeah It's like someone's shooting a bunch of thumbtacks at you. You worry about traction at all like I mean normally Yeah, but these tires I have are pretty fucking sweet like did you guys go shooting by the way? No, because the range ended up being closed. Kittleson didn't didn't tell us about that and then no one responded in my chat So yeah, fuck you guys. I told you I would have I had to practice How about banquet?

cares Yeah Went great Gifts Yeah, I got a little framed cap picture them all signing and stuff looks pretty cool Do you haven't hung up in your office yet? Not yet? When in tour yeah both so you got two of these or no, no it was one We basically think of ourselves as one team one team one heartbeat exactly I Mean I understand they went nine and oh and then they sign the cab, but all right How many did you win this year?

sign the cab, but come on. How many did you win this year? The men went six and three, the women four and five, which is the best record either have had probably since like 2012. So okay, we're looking better. We're making progress. We're looking better. All right, so breaking news. of the once published Side of Glock podcast, shared in our group chat today a promotion from Mizzen and Main, who I had never heard of, but they are sponsoring or doing a promotion and it's a contest where they are going to sponsor a golf trip.

So, basically we have to fill out this form, say, you know, when we're gonna play, what course etc and then they're gonna draw I think on the in it said it was either a hundred groups or a hundred people I don't know it might be a hundred people and they're gonna send polos and then a bunch of merch and then we just have to play around take some pictures and then tag them on Instagram so you'll start to see some stuff on our social because as garage readers podcast we're of course going to promote and support this and uh so i think we've got that tentatively scheduled for july 4th we'll uh we'll see we'll see if we win um never heard of this before uh it doesn't say is this going to be our third annual boys club golf outing or fourth well when did we when was our golf outing last year?

I don't know when we did it, but we did do it. It was pouring rain, remember? Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. How did the Boys Club even start? We went out to Cole Acres in Wisconsin and did that. That's a good story. Bookmark that question one second. Yeah. So, the Boys Club actually started because of my former boss, two bosses ago. I was working at a college and basically, you know, it was about four of us would eat lunch on campus, like visible in front of everyone, not like going off and doing that, but we'd eat lunch in the cafeteria and all that, usually three or four days a week. And in one of my meetings with my my boss, he instructed me that I should no longer do that because I was, you know, I should be having lunch with other employees on campus and, you know, that we were being referred to as the boys club and spending too much time together.

So before that, I mean, we had a group chat. I don't know what we were, I don't know what the name was. There was a different group chat that was titled something else with other people in it. I don't know if you recall. It had something to do with a tiger or a lion. The Tiger Kings? Something like that. No, it for sure, it was an animal.

For sure it was. Something and her minions maybe was one of them. What the fuck are y'all talking about? You don't remember this? No. Okay, well, it switched over into the Boys Club chat. Gotcha. And why is the Boys Club filled in on now? What do you mean, what, it's 14 dudes? Is it 14 of us now?

Yeah. Wow. We have two members that are not located here in Dubuque, but they're still active in the chat. Yeah. We've, since the original start of the chat, we've lost one member, and we've added two. Yeah, our buddy Johnny was a part of the chat and original part of the very original. He's a founding member. Yeah, and then literally, you want to talk about an Irish goodbye, like literally just one day, just let him see and notice Johnny Romo Hart has left the group or whatever. Yeah, we're like, what the hell? And then, so since then we've added our buddy Bo and then Travis is actually the newest member of the of the boys club chat so I do think it started out as a lunch chat I really do think it was like just a way to get together for lunch because all of us were nearby.

As a larger group we would try and do lunch like once a week or once every two weeks. Yeah. At a point there were just about everyone in that chat I think good. So, but anyway, so Mizzen and Main, you'll see some things about that on our on our socials. We'll see, we'll see if we win. You'll see a lot more of it. If we don't win, then we're gonna tell everyone that follows and listens to us to boycott News in Maine and... That's really going to hurt my bottom line. Yeah, right. Well, we have, I looked today, we're at like 1,700 followers. Oh, wow. But we follow like 7,000 accounts.

Easy. Is that? A lot of people that are worth following, right? Are there? Yeah. But, so, last Friday, you were at Dimensional. Yeah. And you saw this artist. Oh, yeah, I was there too, but yeah, keep going. Well, he was the one that posted about it.

You don't have, you don't use social media. That's by design but yes. All right so how was I supposed to know you were there? Okay so who was there, who did you see? Lauren Hall. Okay and you tagged her in our story. Yeah. But you didn't follow her. Yeah I didn't even think about that to be honest. It's cold-blooded. Here's the thing and I think maybe that did piss her off because she she Reposted that's what it's called right? Yeah, she reposted it and then deleted it So she didn't keep it up. So maybe that that did piss her off Well, then I saw today that she she she messaged us back. Whoa, we messaged her. Well when you like Tag someone in the story it shows up then in their inbox. Yeah, yeah. So then she responded today, um, and like, she had an idea who we are. No, that would make it so much better if we do it. Unless she looked and saw your picture, which she knows you, right? Obviously. All right. So she messaged us on Sunday morning saying, thank you so much for coming last night. That was Saturday though, right? I don't know. You saw her on Friday. No, it was Saturday.

She said thank you so much for coming last night and then I went and followed her on Instagram but she has not followed us back yet. I thought you just said she did. Yeah. I thought she did. I thought you said she did, Nick. No. Lauren, if you're listening, that's ridiculous. We'll give you like 60 days. She's on Instagram every single day. She has 17,000 followers, so we'll give her a bit of a break. We'll give you 60 days if you don't follow us back. She did follow us. I'll give you six days. She's a good follower. Four hours ago, LA Hall Music started following you.

No, well it doesn't show that in our follow. It does. She's incredible. Okay, then we're good. Yeah. All right, so LA Hall Music, go ahead and give her a follow. She's our biggest fan, and I think that's our first verified account that follows the Garage Viewers podcast. You're welcome. Yeah. So we're moving up in this world all because Travis is now on the show.

That's correct. Yeah. So. She has some pipes though too. You got to give it to her. That's who we should have around as a guest at some point. She would absolutely love it. Dude, we for sure should. She's funny as hell too. We should.

Funnier than you? That doesn't take much. No one's funnier than me, Jimmy idiot. Second time, yes, obviously. Spring. We had a little bit of a tease last week, so I was actually on my way over here to the studio today and I was thinking, okay, when is it officially spring? And I have my answer. Do you want to start us? I can start.

To me, it's officially spring when you start seeing people mow their lawn. I saw, I kid you not, from the time I left my driveway, which I also mowed my lawn today, from the time I left- Did you de-thatch it? No. From the time I, I don't even know what that means. I just learned this year. It makes me sound like a big lawn mower is de-thatching. Bro, it makes me sound like such a lawn hard-o. I never heard of that deal this year, so now I ask people, did you de-thatch?

Is that the one with the plugs? Like you pull the plug- That's aerating. Oh. De-thatching is like you rake and get all the dead grass out so you can grow better grass. That sounds like a lot of work. I learned it this year, so now I've been asking everyone, oh did you dethatch? And they're like, no, I'm like, your lawn is fucked. Did you? No, I haven't done that.

But do you even cut your own lawn? Dude, my lawn is like 40 by 40. I can cut it in like 10 minutes. Wow. So you don't have a riding lawnmower? I'm trying to talk my better half into learning how to mow the grass, but she won't do it because she does everything else in the house. Oh my God. She doesn't even know how? She doesn't know how to start a lawnmower. That's tough.

You can get her one of those Milwaukee lawnmowers, like the tool. It's a battery powered. You literally push a button and it starts. I'll just get her one of them Amish ones where it just rolls. Just have her do the weed whacking. That's easy. That is not easy. Why don't you pay your neighbor? I've tried but... In beer. Maybe Nick might, but his roommate, I already tried that. He's like, not too much work, dude. If I lived next to you, I would do it. How much we talking? Depends how often you're gonna do it, but I would say... I would consider it. Case a beer month for every... to cut it twice a month. Well, like sometimes in the summer it grows like super fast.

I get enough free beer from him anyway. That's not, any more than that. I like to see people cook him dinner. I'm not cooking shit, I buy pizza. I was going to say 20 bucks a month, but. Anyways, so start of spring, officially I saw 10 different people on my drive here out mowing their lawns. You think he counted 10 people? Yes. Well, there's an eighth one, a ninth.

And then by the time I got to seven, I was like, wow, there's a lot of people doing this today. So you think today is spring? So I think when you start seeing people cut their lawn, but like, here's the thing. It's not like, oh, it's April 18th is the start of spring. I'm saying the season begins when people start cutting their lawn. I know my answer. My answer is a little different. Go for it. And I'm going to exclude big people, including myself, from this, but the day you see a normal sized person wearing shorts, it's officially spring.

Because I wear shorts through the winter, I don't give a fuck. But the day you see some 130-pound guy wearing shorts, like, wow, it's really spring. Does it have to be a guy? It doesn't. Well, women, I feel like, run colder than men, first of all. So I just assumed, never assumed, it's only 23. So it's not when you start seeing women in shorts, it's when you see a normal-sized man wearing shorts. Yeah, I didn't mean it to come off sexist, but that's- Normal being under 200 pounds?

Yeah, I would say so. Okay. Normal being under 200, that's normal these days. So Nick, have you worn shorts yet? Yeah. It's spring. Besides last week? Yeah, oh no, besides, not last week, was- So last week was the first time you were short. Last week was spring.

Yeah. Yeah. See, I don't know. Here's the thing. For me, first of all, I used to determine if I looked in my backyard and everything was overgrown. Then it was. If Cole, if you're listening, he was notorious for letting his backyard turn into a jungle. It's a lot of work. Yeah.

Well, and when you have dogs, it's and it was long time between cleaning up the shit mowing would become a task of moving around the shit it was a whole you should have seen it was great okay then but in reality here's the thing spring to me still is like kind of shitty weather so I don't view spring starting with the good weather I view it starting with like it's transitioning out of frigid cold. So I mean, to me, spring starts pretty early. Like I kind of just think as soon as April's here, it's spring. You think the weather, when it's still kind of shitty, but it's not as shitty, that's spring?

That is spring. I don't even really like spring, to be honest. I like it when spring's done. But is it one day, like if we have a 65 degree day, then boom, it's spring, but it could be 40 the next day Yeah, that's spring. Yeah, it's already spring spring to me It's like it's just inevitable shitty weather that starts like roughly in April. We had a whole episode We're going after spring didn't spring sucks spring sucks. It was like episode two or three Yeah, spring spring is the worst fucking season out there. We ran to the ball spring. Yes fall is number one Yes, summer is number two.

Yep. No. Winter is number three. Spring is number four. Yeah, actually I think I agree with you on that. I think summer is number four. Summer is four? Yes! Fall, we can all agree, is the best. We got fall and spring.

Oh my. Summer is four. That's the hottest tick I've ever heard in my life. No, dude. Winter, I love winter. And I mean, I do get sick of it, but I also get sick of it being 100 fucking degrees every day in the summer Dude in a rain all the time. I love rain first. I hate the rain Second of all the amount of activities you can do unlimited Activities on all your favorite things name them, so what's your favorite holiday then?

Christmas oh my god Wait, what do you say the second before the July, but it's not cuz it's summer. It's cuz it's America, baby It's what I said that the summer is your least favorite house Season yeah, therefore you can have your second favorite holiday new favorite season. I don't think it works like that America That's spring yeah, that's a blast I was that's kind of where I start to kick off spring I guess So March I would say you said you just said April. I lied. I guess I lied. This is not a contract.

You can void it any time you want. I can't believe summer is your least favorite season. You think that's that hard to take? You're the only person I've met that's said that. Put a poll out there right now and just say, can you do a four answer poll? I don't know. You can say what's the worst season. Can you do a four thing poll? No, just select that and just see it be like, is summer the worst season? Yes or no?

Okay, but you've got to realize there's four of them, so if it gets more than 25%, then we're good. You were third on the totem pole for this podcast, so... Well, what I said makes sense, though. But your opinion only matters if one of the two OGs agrees. That's ridiculous. All right, keep talking as I make this poll. You're making it right now? Okay, we're proud of you. Jim, can we talk about how unnecessary it is that you have a $35 Yeti beer koozie.

Didn't I tell you guys last week, I was like, Oh man, I have, I forgot to bring it down. I actually have two of these. Dude, that makes it even more. That's horrible. What's worse. What is the worst? Speaking of Yeti, what is the worst Yeti product to own in terms of complete unnecessary? The Yeti lunchbox. I was going to say the Yeti dog bowl. What the, I have those. What's wrong with that? I would buy the Yeti lunchbox before I would buy the Yeti dog bowl. Yeah, but only psychos that are crazy about their dog would have the Yeti dog bowls. So that is not about the name on the side of it. It's just how crazy are you? Do you see the most expensive dog bowl in the market and buy it because that's how you feel about your dog? That is not a Yeti problem. They're capitalizing on a breed of crazy people like my lovely woman.

Do you have Yeti dog bowls? Yes. Oh, wait, multiple? Yes. How many? Well, food and water, that's two. Okay. What do you, oh, like different colors and shit? No, no, no, no, no. Has your dog loving phenomenal fiance done a promotion with Yeti? I don't think they've worked together.

We should we should really work on that. I could be wrong. They may have already. We do have a bunch of Yeti stuff. I don't know if we did or not. How many Yeti products do you own? Two dozen. Two dozen. Who's a lot dozen I own? Three three water bottles two koozies and a cooler we have two coolers two dog Pupils a bunch of cups to drink out of we have a bunch of those can koozies that I never use but got other gifts Yeah, Nick zero you don't own a single yeti product He's got a hundred and twenty dollar Nike zip up on.

He won't buy a single Yeti. This was $399 my friend. I tried to get one just like it that says your logo and everything and it was expensive. Yeah man. And he needs people like you to buy that so that his is $399. Listen. Bro, if I didn't spend all my money on gambling and booze I would buy one. We're up here, Yeti is down here. That's why quality Nike makes the best quality stuff. Where?

I'm pretty sure Yeti is pretty high quality. Singapore? No, I know, I know. But, so you have your dog bowls. I think, honestly, I have a 64 ounce Yeti water bottle. Oh, those are cool, I like those. I only like it, it's a pain in the ass to travel with so it only stays in the house and The only reason why I have it is I know if I drink three of those a day love water that I'm gold Yeah, but why not buy the Ozark Trail or the Walmart version of the same thing? Because it's not as cool. I mean I agree But I don't know if I will ever bring myself to spend, what are the big coolers, like $450?

Up to $500. I mean, if I'm spending that kind of money on a cooler, then I've made it. Yeah, but the thing is, the only way I can rationalize that is for camping, when you need ice to stay there for a week. But people are like, oh, this shit keeps ice good for a week. It's like, why do you need that in your backyard? Like, you don't got more ice right or if it's nice that's for ice baths maybe yeah cool call this one big enough it's that Cole bought a in like a trough from Tyson oh yeah that worked well yeah water in it yeah but no dude I don't know I just told someone this story recently.

I went back there once and found a dead squirrel floating. What? Okay, next segment. Cut this, I'm gonna puke. Bro, no, that we're keeping, isn't it? Yeah, I'm a germ guy, that sounds horrible. Yeah, you really are a germ guy. I don't like it. You gave me such, I bet you judged me so hard when I got in that jacuzzi in my hotel room.

Oh, I was, okay, we should talk about that on the pod. Anyone who gets into a jacuzzi slash bathtub at a hotel need to reevaluate your life decisions. Jim, I'm looking right at you. You got that thing. Turn the jets on. Have you ever seen like you move into a new house or it's on Tick-Tock someone moves in and they put the stuff to clean the jets out and then it's hit run with a clean tub and it turns black.

Now, imagine how you haven't seen it. Didn't turn black. I can tell you that. That's because you didn't put the cleaning solution in, Jim. So sure if there was weird stuff in there, the color, the water would have been discolored. And they wouldn't do that. They would not do that to a diamond member. Yes, they would. Hey, listen, listen, as a certified pool and spa operator... Oh, wow. You're going to drop his credentials on us. Yes It was most likely fine, but if you have enough chlorine. You're perfectly fine It literally kills everything much chlorine to put in the goddamn atom, but listen the reason why it's riskier is because The smaller the amount of water the harder it is to keep the levels correct So like it needs to be constantly checked on you know do you realize so that's the problem here though not a Jacuzzi?

Jacuzzi like a hot tub. This is his bathtub. I thought you were talking about the hotel hot tub. No, I don't got a problem with that. This was the Jacuzzi in the presidential suite. Oh, okay, that's different. When is the last time you think they cleaned them jets? Oh, easily the night before I came here. You are out of your fucking mind. Does it matter if I put soap down in the Jacuzzi before I get in and then I realized at that point I couldn't use the jets because then there were suds everywhere so I'm going to find this video real quick and show you guys yeah well did you have the jets running for a bit beforehand no see I think that's where you made a mistake yeah because you let it run no shit nothing no but that would have just pushed it into the tub yeah then I'm not the Hut Shit I don't know about that. Yeah, I don't think I'd do that already so now everyone's second favorite segment of the show and we Give Nick control, and he walks us through whatever we posted on social this week today. We had two different Stories out there one was on grilling the other was on hangovers. So Nick, what do our lovely fans have to say? All right, we finally got some good interaction this week, so I think people are pumped for us to be back.

What's your go-to grilling food? And we've got answer number one, Southwest Burgers. So is that like the black beans and corn and salsa? I don't know. The way we do Southwest burgers is just Southwest seasoning on the burger. I think you do it like a pepper jack cheese. Yeah I guess Justin Laplante needs to specify a little bit more. Laplante? Laplante? literally can't read. All right. They got a good swim. Brats or dogs is what they said. Nice. Are they giving that up to us to vote on or are they saying that's No, there's no question mark.

Just brats or dogs. Might as well. Are you a brat guy or a dog guy? Brats. Like Hy-Vee, like pineapple brats? Yeah. But like, I don't like brat burgers. But I've never turned down a dog though. No, but I've actually become a bit of a hot dog snob. So it's a part of my regular grocery list. You buy hot dogs every time you go to the store?

Usually. But they're like the Nathan's. That's way by itself. I buy like the Nathan's like, it's $8 for six hot dogs. Okay. Because I've had too many of the shitty hot dogs. Like these, you know what the key is? The salt. It's really good for you.

You add salt? No, like the, The sodium? The juices that the hot dog sits in What are you boiling these things? No, just they're already cooked. You just throw them in the microwave. It's great. You do my Because like this is going way too far But like my diet now is like eating every two to three hours, and it's like two hot dogs Which I realize for like a skinny person is like an entire meal but I do that and then like two hours later I'll have some trail mix and then after that I'll have... Do we have a nutritionist that follows us because I'm gonna go ahead and say hot dogs every two hours is probably not the best idea. I don't do that multiple times per day.

Well he's training for the July 4th contest. True. The Nathan's contest? Yeah. I always start off with a big breakfast, that's the key. Like what? Like two, two, usually, I did three the other day and it was too much. So two like egg sammies with sausage and bagel and all that. Just ditch the bagel, that's a good meal. The bagel's the key. Bagel's the key. Yeah, because then when you're done cooking the eggs, you throw another slab of butter in the pan, put the bagels in the pan, let them toast in the butter. How many cows are talking about these sandwiches?

Who fucking cares? Jim's never cared about a cow but anyways instagram yep so brats yes rots for sure like especially the ones with the cheese in the middle those are the best those are usually pretty good um hey east coast girl 86 back at it she's back she just said burgers so the drooling face which yeah we can all get behind like there's a lot of different ways you can do burgers. Like there's the ground beef, full seasoning. There's the, my favorite, is you take two patties and then you put cheese and then you smash them together so that the cheese melts in between the two patties. Why don't you just do shredded cheese in the- Shredded cheese is messy.

And I don't like shredded cheese. That's a weird take. I mean, when you're forming the burgers, just put some shredded cheese in there. Why not just rare, medium, rare, or well done? For burgers specifically? Yeah, with burgers, I usually go medium, medium, well. I like that he only said rare, medium, rare, or well done. There is no other option. No.

With steaks, I'm medium rare. Same. Medium rare to rare for me. Burgers? For burgers, yeah. Burgers I'll do medium, usually. Give me some red in there, a good amount of red. What about steaks? Do you do prime plus? I learned that from Kevin, we talked about it last week.

What is prime plus? They basically give it a sear on each side and put it on your plate. Oh no. No, see the steaks, the blood in the steaks is a lot more noticeable, I feel like. Maybe not noticeable, but it feels grosser than with the- In the steak? Yeah. I think they feel equally gross. That's why I'm a medium rare. Like I need a little bit of firmness.

And it's not necessarily the juice. It's like if it's too chewy. Like a rare steak to me is just maybe that's what it is. Yeah, that's chewier with a steak but where it's beef it's not like chewy. Hot take here, I really actually hate prime rib. You gotta take that back.

Cut that part out. Absolutely not. You hate prime rib? Yeah. Do you hate Jesus? Do you hate Fergie? Do you hate, I mean, do you hate all things that are good? I like this pod. This pod ain't no prime rib. I really don't like it at all.

Why? What about shaved, what about shaved prime rib? No. I don't eat roast beef. Oh my. Yeah, roast beef's on the lower end for me as well. Dude, you go to Arby's and get a roast beef sandwich, you can't fucking beat it. Yeah, you can. Easily.

No, you can't. McDouble's beats the shit out of that. No, it's not close. You'll get a half pound roast beef from Arby's. No. I refuse. I'm with you on this one. If I'm going to Arby's though, they make great, have you ever had one of their marketplace, I think that's what they call it?

Yeah, sandwiches. Oh man, those are good. That's the only thing I get from Herbie's. I'm going to put another poll on that. I got to, we got to finish this and I'll put that poll out. Okay, what other grillables? Tom Brennan, our old rival. Tommy! He said, fillies on the Blackstone are just a good burger. Mmm.

So. Does the Blackstone count as grilling? I think so. He's got one. Yeah, but I don't mean that it's not out to a cookie. Tom's a big Blackstone guy. He's... I think it counts. We made that a bocce type deal in there. That was so good.

Yeah. Then we got zucchini. What? What? Who's that? That fuck? Did these Instagram? She shot the first round. They can't read. So no idea.

You need to spell it. Just spell it out. Whoever the person is. A n n a c h e f four twelve. Can a g f can a chef can I show you how Wow numbers For one thing six nine four one two canish canish chef one one two she said he or she said zucchini and bratwurst You're gonna leave off the normal one and just say they were two days they were two separate. Oh, that's why was it He was the first one they said yeah What?

And the fuck? So like, why are you? I'm distraught. What do you? What the? Oh, squash. You put it in tin foil? No, yeah. Fuck off with zucchini and squash. Do you like cut it?

I don't know, maybe they have a good way to do it. I don't know. Or is it like sliced? The only vegetable that you can put on there, stand alone in my opinion, just stand alone, is corn on the cob. Because corn on the cob on the grill is dynamite. But if you're talking about any other vegetable by itself as the number one grilling thing, you're out of your fucking mind. I wouldn't put it anywhere above meat, but the only time I eat asparagus is when I cook it on the grill. Okay. Yeah, I do like it off the grill. I do.

Gives me gout. Alright, 366 days of Daniel said drumsticks. On the grill? Like the ice cream? I don't know. Yeah. Or is he talking wings? He's gotta be talking wings. Yeah, Phil did Little Drummies. Yeah, okay. They were really good.

Who's Phil? He lives with him. Oh. He's met Phil. He knows it was Colin. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Phil Collins, so Phil. His office came up with that. Wasn't me.

The next person said, Pineapple Brats from Hy-Vee. Yes. Was that? Yeah, those are fire. Jimmy? Yeah. Yes. Those are really good. And for those of you that... No, brat patties though. No, it's a, that's a weird... On a bun? Yeah. If I want a brat, it's gotta be cylindrical. No, I'm with you. I need a cylindrical brat. It's gotta be hot dog shaped. Your brats have to be hot dog shape, not burger shape. Yeah. I'm totally with you on that. There's another reason. And maybe it's the way I cook it. Whenever I've tried to cook brat patties, they char really easily.

And the char with that other texture of the brat just doesn't work for me. But you have the utmost patience when you cook. So I don't understand why- I have no patience. I've seen in the Blackstone, you do them for two hours and the product's great. Well, that's two hours cooking like 200 things. Must've caught him on a good day. Oh, but like, if you just go two minutes on a side, I don't know. Sausage patties or only sausage links?

Definitely sausage patties. I hate sausage links. Oh, really? That's the option? I know. What? I'm not saying I'm angry right now, but I'm getting there. I'm only links. No, the links, I've had too many links that are like, the casing is like too thick.

What about if you're gonna do like typical breakfast food, what about like a McDonald's sausage, egg and cheese biscuit or something? Yeah, that's good. That's a sausage patty. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I said it's good, it is good. All right. Very good. So good. That's it for that question.

Next question. We have two. Yeah, we have two. Yeah. Next question, best hangover cure? And we can tell our own if you want to start with that. Yeah, so mine, I've kind of developed this over the years. It's probably, I don't know, may or may not make sense, but don't knock it until you try it. So basically, as long as I don't get blacked out and I pass out.

Like this is like I've been drinking, but I'm still like conscious because here on the pod we don't promote binge drinking. Correct. I will fill up one of my nice Yeti water bottles and I'll down one of those, take four ibuprofen. 64 ounces. No, no, usually the 32. Dude, you'd wake up pissing your bed if you did 64. I've definitely done that.

Happens to the best of us. You take four ibuprofen and then you drink another 32 ounces but you stay up until you go pee for the first time. What about food? I haven't because most of the time I don't get the munchies when I've been drinking. So in my experience it's the combination of your hydrating taking a little bit of ibuprofen, but the other key is you're staying up To like because I feel like when you go to sleep your body parts of it shuts down right so if you're still awake your body Is actively processing What you just put in you go pee flush out that first batch of toxins It doesn't eliminate the hangover right, but it minimizes the side effects. That's strictly from an alcoholic standpoint. I think science would maybe say otherwise. I've stayed up for like a half hour, so that's gonna work.

What about you, Wiley? Well, listen, I've actually done a lot of research into this field, because I've been really trying to figure out the, yeah. Get Gannon Reed, and he's done research. Must listen to a podcast. Yeah, an audio book, you know. Oh. But no, here's the deal. There's no possible way to make your liver process alcohol faster. No matter what you do, it processes it at the same rate. So it gets out of your system at the same rate no matter what. And there's things that can make you feel better, but if the alcohol is still in your system, if you drank a lot, then there's only so much you can do. Yeah, but you can kill some of the other side effects other than the liver damage. I mean like hydration. No, I'm not talking about liver damage. I'm saying like the alcohol stays in your so your liver is the filter, right?

But you're like I think the one of the biggest portions of the hangover is the dihydration, right? So if you do what Jim says you will at least minimize the dehydration Yeah, you can minimize the dehydration for sure. So yeah drinking water now that'll make you feel better to an extent But if the alcohol is still in your system, you're still gonna feel shitty no matter what if you were to drink 60 beers over a 24 hour span, that's gonna be in you for a while? Correct, yes. Depends who you ask. And that's the thing, it's like, Jim, you're saying you're pissing out some of the alcohol by you think you're flushing it out, but you're not actually flushing it out.

Maybe it's a mental thing. Yeah. Might never matter. Can we talk, though, if no one in this chat has the same answer as me, then we really need to reevaluate what we're doing here. It's really obvious, the best cure for hangover, start drinking again. That works every single time. Well, it just pushes, it's kicking the rock down the road.

No, but like, not that I would do this, but if I was hammering Friday night and a Saturday night and Sunday, I was hungover to bejesus and I had Maybe ten more beers that day and went to bed at seven o'clock and had some water I would wake up feeling refreshed on Monday. I Think you're insane. That's why I think you are actually like that's possible a very very What in us a scientist would call an outlier? Dude yeah you you I don't understand like I actually want to like take a piece of your liver and put it under Like some sort of it doesn't make sense and figure out. It's just like how you Your liver like I picture your liver is like Ronnie Coleman that thing is just a beast And then eventually in like five years, it's gonna be like Ronnie Coleman Alright alright here were the fans we have some answers so this guy coach trainer 32 he just tagged someone I didn't know you could tag someone in an answer. It says at blowfish hangovers. I don't know if that's like a... Blowfish must be a product that... Oh maybe... At blowfish hangovers you know it's probably... We'll test out your product see if it's... Alright next answer water and Subway. I hate Subway. I've thrown up Subway. Subway tastes like plastic. Oh my god. Especially at a hangover. Sometimes it's good.

I mean don't complicate it. Yeah. Alright, being a Dubuquer, Trav, are you about to tell me that you like pickle barrel? I don't like pickle barrel. I love pickle barrel. I don't like pickle barrel. I had it twice. It's okay if you're getting it wrong. Jim doesn't even like... Prime rib. Prime rib. Yeah, I don't say bratwurst. I didn't know you liked eating sandwiches on a sponge. Never mind. Trev, you're going to like this next answer. This comes from East Coast Girl. Keep drinking. That a girl. She's a smart one. I want to meet her.

If we get on a car right now, 24 hours to Cold Lake. Pass. What was that Blowfish? That would be like three times the distance of the bachelor party that he missed. Bluefish Hangover is for us. St. Louis, that drive was closer to six hours. This would be four times that length one way. I can't find Bluefish Hangover. Oh, Bluefish Hangover right here. What do we got?

The morning hangover remedy that actually works. The website is fourhangovers.com. All right, we're going to, we'll dive into that later. Nick's going to DM him and say we'll do a live review. Yeah. We have 20,000 followers. That's 19,000 more than us. They're following 276. It seems like we should probably be 277. Damn.

Well, that's a lot of snake oil sales. Of course, Nick hasn't given you the Instagram login yet. I don't know what it is. I don't even know. It's just saved. I actually had to look it up today because I had logged out and so yeah I don't know how to log into my own. I'm glad one of us knows because otherwise if I got logged out I felt like we're screwed. All right this guy named ObiNug1 he said wake up chug a glass of water take ibuprofen sleep for one more hour. Whoever ObiNug1 is that's not a bad move. I would say that's probably my go-to thing too. I don't remember because I looked through a few of these, but it was earlier in the day.

I didn't see anyone talk about taking like a cold shower. That doesn't do it for me. I did have a extended period of time in my life where every single day I was hungover. I don't know what it was. And eventually I'm sure it became placebo effect cause it worked like two times. And then after that I had in my mind that it worked. But orange Fanta, I'd be hungover. You like to say that you discovered that? I've heard other people talk about that.

I don't know why. Maybe it's not a placebo effect. But like I, like one day I was so, it was in St. Louis and I was like, I was dying of thirst and I went across the street and all I could find was water and orange Fanta. I'm like, I guess I'm going to die. And I did it for like another several months. And then eventually I was just like, uh, In your life over under 1,000 days actually that's too high what just wait let's go over under 365 days your life that you've been hung over in the last year no like in your life have you been hung over I think that answers more than 365 days yes yeah you're probably I've been drinking hard since I was 15.

That's like six years under the legal drinking age. How many weeks are in a year? 52. All right, so at least multiply it by that two, right? By three. Three. That's 150 right there in one year. Times 15. Do you ever drink and then you're not hungover the next day? All the time.

Like tomorrow morning I'll be having zero hangover and I'll probably have 10 beers tonight. Yeah, hence the Ronnie Coleman liver. So how many beers do you have to consume before you're hungover? For me it's all sleep. If I could have 20 and go home and go to bed at nine o'clock and wake up at seven and feel good. But if I have the same 20 and go to bed at 1 a.m. and wake up at seven, I will be hungover to the max. As bad as it could be that's so crazy. That's like step answer party You didn't have a ton of sleep and you had 40. I was here finally hungover were you oh, yeah That's why I started drinking immediately So that's my answer. That's like your actual answer. That's your go-to if you're in a lot of pain you start drinking Yeah, that's crazy to me. Well like if it's a workday. You're just fucked right right You've never consumed alcohol at work to combat a hangover.

Never, no. No. At work? Maybe if it was like a 4.30 we were going to start drinking anyways, but not to combat hangover. No. Have you ever left work because you were too hungover and you couldn't work? I'd be lying if I said no, but I think it only happened when I was younger. I didn't really know my limits like it I can't know when you're working for your current employer. I've always worked for them, but I'm saying like Intern and stuff like I'd have an all-time, but I think it's encouraged when you're an intern now. I handle my Okay, I'm a co-owner liver all right next answer that should be the name of this pod, okay?

We'll see what chat GPT says about it We have an answer that... Name of this app, not sponsored. It says, choking the chicken. Oh, who said that? Someone we know. Is he sitting in his room? No, but he's sitting somewhere where we just were. I'm telling you, that might be the last thing on my mind. Yeah, absolutely not. That's a horrible answer.

I'm sitting there, my head is fucking pounding, I can barely open my eyes. The last thing I'm thinking about is the hub.com Yeah, I would probably you guys know me. I would go and run a mile before I would do that. What? Yes Yeah, I'm with you. I'm with you. I'll answer if you answer. Oh god. I don't know if I like where this is going. Consecutively Pace over five miles per hour Straight without stopping. When's the last time you ran a mile? Five miles per hour? Jesus. Seventh grade? No. I don't know if I could run like five miles an hour plus.

Nine, twelve minute mile? Yeah, but I'm not like I'm not running, man. It's all mental though. No, my knees hurt. What's with your fashion sleeves on? I'm not running that entire mile. You can tough out knee pain for 12 minutes. I might be, like if you told me I had to jog, I bet you I maybe would get a quarter of a mile before I'd have to stop. That's only, that's one time a track.

Yeah, that would be pushing it. I think if I was behind you with a shotgun, you could easily do... No, I would just keel over and take me out now. What did I say last week from the youngest side? Y'all better not cut me, I'm part of this team. I should enjoy Diaz with a Diet Coke. Oh yeah. Yeah, I don't run. All right, Nick, answer the same question. What?

When's the last time you ran a 12 minute mile? Dude, probably last week. We run a lot. I don't think I've done it consecutively though, because even when we do 800s, you know, you split it up. Yeah, true, true. Like if we have five 800s in the workout or four or whatever, that's two miles, but it's split up. Yeah, true. So probably actually last fall.

I don't like running. I'll do it every once in a while, but I don't want to get away from our segment, but Jimmy should partake in our one two four hundred no We should be fine. Do you know what it's gonna go to track and time ourselves as fast as we can for a 100 to 200 to 400 Would you at least do the one of the two? To be fun only a few guys within time how long does it take you to ride 800 miles on a motorcycle Jesus? Fucking 15 seconds on 100 or I don't know two days on 15 second. Yeah, that's probably doable No, I'm saying like if I were to do it like 15 seconds Yeah, I'd probably run 100 meters in 15 seconds There's only one way to find out how long of a break do I have before I have to run the 200?

Unlimited, however long you want. So like three weeks? Sure Cuz even just to be there would be hilarious. You could film it. That would be so funny God can I do it without a shirt on you have to yes? I'm good, too. I'll do it, too Okay, that's gonna make encourage me to want to do it more You might not be allowed back within 500 yards of a school afterwards if we both take our shirts off It's never running out of track People run without shirts on all the time Jim. They don't look like me and you what is that supposed to mean? I I Want to know what beef could do? Oh, he's got a bum. I'm faster than him. He's got he's got a bum leg I bet you I bet you I could beat beef in a race. That's what we should do. We should set that off We should set that up Yes, really race a decathlon Great, I throw discus. Oh All right, it's from Tom again. Waking up, chugging a bunch of water, going back to bed. Same with the Obi Nung guy. Obi Nung and him agree. Yeah, but I think you got to do that before you pass out. Yeah, but that's your, that, yeah, I think, I think it couldn't help or it couldn't hurt. What do they say? It's different strokes for different folks?

I mean, you're the scientific nerd over there. Like, isn't it better to drink that and then sleep six hours? I think, honestly, I think it just comes down to ingesting as much water as you can. So, yeah, theoretically. You also don't want to flood, right? I mean, you don't want to drink too much water. What if you could hook yourself up to an IV and a catheter and just pass out? And then basically, our public foods in and you just pee it right out. Dude, that would have to work. Yeah. I mean.

How could it not? Because here's why, it doesn't come down to just dehydration. Otherwise, a hangover would be like instant cured by drinking water. So this girl I know, who we can talk about after Bacazette went and put her business out there like this was a medical student, I think you know who I'm talking about she said That she's like if you ever woke up and felt like you needed to drink to get over a hangover I was like yeah, she's like you're withdrawing from alcohol. Do you not realize that I'm like but But I mean it's more than dehydration. That's definitely a part of it Yeah, I think your body's also like you just poisoned the fuck out of me.

Correct. That is it. I mean, you are drinking poison. Delicious poison. But no, I mean, she is partially right, depending on how much you drink that like the shakes you get. That's a withdrawal symptom. I never ever get those. If you get those, some people do. That's a withdrawal. Not all? No, never once. But people describe it.

In a 365 days span, I bet you, if I had to guess I drink less than 60 times how many times do you go to sleep drunk as fuck in one year in one month let's make it easier in one month yeah once per that's too many too much a variable that's too much variable for him maybe I'm 12 a year no good for you. That's crazy. I bet you I'm under 8 times a year where I go to bed and I'm like, oh well, 2 sheets done. I mean that's a totally different thing. I feel like that's rare. That's what I asked. That's what he asked. I thought you were saying just drinking heavily. No, how many days per year do you go to bed shit faced?

I don't think I do that much either. I bet you I'm under 6. Yeah, what about you? Yeah, me too. But you are still able to do that and not be hungover. So like for you, somehow, dude, that's just insane. But you just gotta get a good night's sleep. If you can go to bed by 10 and give yourself until seven, that's nine hours of sleep. Even if you sleep like shit.

I mean, even when we were on that bachelor party, I did not go to sleep either night shit-faced. I wish I could say the same. We shared a bed. We did. The loudest bed ever. This bed had a plastic like covering around it. Oh no. So anytime you moved it made noise. But what I don't understand about that bed is I sleep in a king size bed every single night with a lady and that bed that we were sleeping in seems much bigger than a regular king size bed. Maybe it was a California king. Those are just longer. No, I thought the California king was like wider. No, no, no. Maybe you guys have it flipped the wrong way. Maybe you have a California king. We might have, because it wasn't very long. No, it was not in our house. I'm talking about at the bed of the mansion. Yes, we did Alright, so the next answer is can of chef again He said not drinking, but the scientific answer is actually raw green vegetables Okay, well skip that answer raw green raw like I got a spiky. I gotta take broccoli off the shelf I start pounding it how the hell that that's true, but okay, can we unfollow him who is it?

Our boy can a chef. I don't know who that is. Oh, no, who said his favorite grillable item was zucchini. That's not the same person. Yes it is Oh, was it? Yes Okay, I'm fine. Yes, we can't unfollow this guy. Yeah, it could be a girl couldn't it could be I haven't left leave him on We're not your last All right, fine This is a warning if you vote that summer is the worst season you're gone. Wait, can we take anybody that vote says gone? Yeah, all right. All right. I'll check in Finish the hang. All right. 366 days of daniel said running Absolutely Does help Chicken comment that's exercise. No, it's not when I do it you don't sweat All right That's it that's it for those two questions. I check the poll now cuz I I think oh my God two people voted. Yeah, that's what I'm talking about who I'm about to check. That's what I'm talking about Summer's the worst. It's a hundred degrees all the time Natalie Loretta love you, you know that is yeah, I don't know who it is, but I love that person you know yeah and Beef let's go he voted that summer's a black I love you buddy yeah be voted somewhere text right now from Jim I can tell home I that see I'm not alone it's seven votes yet to know and two votes to yes or that's okay that's a decent. I hope he answers. This is gonna be such a letdown.

What was the next poll you wanted me to create? Your call has been forwarded to an automatic voice message. Oh, he clarified, he sent a DM. What's his DM? He said not the worst. Spring is the worst. Well then he answered it wrong. He did answer it wrong. Just tell me I answered it wrong please. Hey, you need to learn how to read because you answered wrong on the poll. You should have voted that summer is not the worst instead you voted that it was. Thank you. So that was awful and you should have answered because now you're on the pod. I still love you.

What was the other poll? What was the other poll? It was a good, oh, Big Mac versus Arby's Roast Beef. Yeah, because I don't even really like Big Macs. Same. Okay, well, you're going to be shocked with the answers because you're going to get at least 30% say Arby's Roast Beef. And I would, in that poll, I would probably choose McDouble because I love them, but Arby's Roast Beef is dynamite. All right, moving on. A topic for this week I wanted to talk about and see if you guys had any similar stories. Childhood fuck-ups. So this could be like you were a kid in a grocery store and you went to pull something off the display and the entire display collapsed. Or for me, excuse me, my childhood fuck-up was in the span of five days I came close to like destroying most of my family's house. So the first night I put on rollerblades and was skating in the kitchen Watching hockey on TV and in the game. It was the Chicago Wolves the guy crashed in the boards checking somebody HL team, okay. So then I crashed into the drywall and put a hole through the drywall. Oh Seven yeah, six seven look at it. Yeah, we're there. So then my dad replaced that drywall and this was probably two or three days later watching the Chicago Bulls go off for a rebound, fall back into the drywall, put another hole in the drywall. So then that night, so before the the second drywall patch had been done, that night I have a nightmare in my sleep. Flop out of my bed and next to my bed as a kid there was a rocking chair and the rocking chair was positioned in such a way that if you pushed it like it rocked too far backwards it would hit the window and so then I shattered the window in my bedroom and I don't remember this because I was sleeping but I've been told that my dad was so upset with me that while I was still sleeping he spanked me for breaking my window.

Basically causing him so much damage and work to fix the house. There's my childhood. You almost got evicted at age seven. I very well may have been sent to my grandmother's if I did anything else. Oh no. So that was, I don't know why that story necessarily popped into my head, but I wanted to see if you guys had any similar experiences. I think Nick's still working on his but mine, I told you earlier I don't even like thinking about these because when I think about stupid shit I did it just makes me, I get like anxiety thinking about it to this day. I'm like oh god I can't believe that happened and I got a lot of stories like that. Shocker right? But the one that comes to mind is I was like probably eight years old and we had the nicest older couple next to us like they had a daughter that was probably 30 or 40 so they're probably like 60s. The nicest couple ever, Laddie and Sula, and I hope they never find this podcast. They went on a two-week vacation and I was a cute eight-year-old neighbor kid who always came over to their house and pet their dog and they would always give me a licorice. Nicest people ever. They said hey we're gonna be gone for two weeks if you wouldn't mind they had like a beautiful landscape around the house like the garden stuff like just water all of our plants while we're gone and we'll give you 20 bucks and I was like no problem that sounds awesome because $20 in your eight years old is like a million I did it like the plants none of them were dead.

No. They just didn't look great and they still gave me the $20 and I did not have the heart to tell them what I did. Oh no. I felt so bad. They probably just thought oh it must have been like unseasonably hot. It had probably rained like half of those days like if not for that. That was your saving grace. I felt so bad and my mom I remember so you never apologized I did I didn't have the heart to tell him like there's no way little Travie forgot dude and I remember like are they still alive I hope I don't know I I think I think you need to go and apologize they tomorrow from 20 years ago no it's okay I'll pass it will Nick will be in the car recording it yep I'm gonna pass on that No, you're just gonna show up and start we find if we find a guy for us But if we find an address for them, I'll go and apologize. I'll do it. Okay, but you still owe them a watering the best the best part of all this story is like that night we went to Beecher's ice cream as a family and I bought like three of our ice creams cuz I have $20? I was like, oh, I watered the plants for Ladi and Sula. She's like, I never, you did, did you actually water? I was like, no. And she was so mad. So your parents knew and they still didn't make you go and apologize.

$20 back then that's like $30 today. Isn't that a little more? I don't get excited when someone offers me money to do something unless it's like $500. I was eight years old. I know, but that's what I'm saying though, as you grow up, even $100, okay great, what do I do with $100? Yeah, you're like, all right, my time is worth so much now. You ever hear Charles Barkley talk about that with ATMs? No. It was on Inside the NBA, it was hilarious.

They were making fun of Charles, like, Charles, Charles, tell them about the ATM. Charles is never using an ATM. They're like, what? How are you never using an ATM? Charles Barkley, being rich as hell, man, what the hell am I going to do with $800? I can think of a lot that I would do with $800. I'd buy Jimmy's truck. Hey now. Hey now. Man, have you ever ridden in that thing?

Yeah, it's alright. I enjoyed it. It's better than your truck. The one I don't have, you're correct. Ain't better than Phil's truck. Ooh, that's true. He's got a nice one. Who is fuck Phil? Alright, so Nick, any childhood fuck-ups? I mean, yeah, it's not as good of a story as Travis's.

That's like the perfect level of just guilt. Oh yeah, that's good. I still feel bad. Yeah, you should I mean mine was I was going off to my stepbrother's wedding I was a sophomore in college or in high school. You didn't go to his bachelor party I was a sophomore in high school, and he lived in San Francisco Again, the distance is just too much for him. I'm not really walking out. Did you know 16 year old? 16 we'll give him that You think he's gonna bring me to like I couldn't even probably go to anything they were doing anyway forgiven Anyway, I was like okay. My parents are going out. I'm going out we have a above-ground hot tub in our backyard and We had just gotten it. It's like a few months old. I go boys feel free to use it when I'm gone And so of course they invite everybody over to my backyard they I get back a day before my parents.

I knew I was going to, so that's why I let them use it. I was like, I can clean up, whatever. So I get back there. The hot tub is empty when I get back. I'm like, what? Okay, so I refill it back up. It heats back up. It's fine. Yep. I go back.

I go to my friend's house. My parents get back. I get a call from my mom that says, come home now. And I was like, oh, that's the scariest. Oh, oh, it's the worst. My stomach sinks. I go home. Wait, why would you leave to go to your friend's house? Because he thought the hot tub was fine. Yeah, I thought it was fine.

He filled it back up. It was heated. And I looked around and I cleaned up some stuff. Like it was like, you know, I thought it was good. Was there like a hole? No, nothing, there was no hole. The hot tub looked fine. And so then my mom calls, she goes, the hot tub was empty when I got here and I was like what? And so then we like messed with it and there's clearly a leak. So clearly I called my friends and they said oh yeah we we like overstuffed it and we heard like a pop and we all kind of freaked out and laughed. They weren't gonna tell you? No that's the worst part so then I got into like serious arguments with them after that about it but it was bad because then I got grounded for a long time And I take my favorite part of all this Hold on, hold on, this, the hot tub was They could not find somebody to fix this specific leak at all The RIP hot tub is just dead So to this day my family will not let me live that down So what was your punishment?

I think I was just grounded For like a month? Yeah, a long time, yeah My favorite part about this is when he was telling us this story He prefaced it with, at my house we had an above ground hot tub. Who has an in ground hot tub at their house? A lot of people do. Imagine metro Detroit area is rich, man. I mean outside of like a hotel I don't think I've ever seen an in ground hot tub. At someone's house? They're attached to pools a lot of the time. You haven't? I'm surprised by that. Well Nick is a pool and spa expert. He's got the credentials so I'm going to take his word. Wow. But like, I'm trying to understand your logic here. My logic. So you weren't there. Correct. You said, Hey, guys, come over and use my parents brand new hot tub.

I said, you guys can use it if you will, because here's the thing. When you're in high school, it's rare when you have a place to go hang out. You know what I mean? Like, as a group of like, unsupervised. Yeah. So I was like, listen, you guys can go use the hot tub. I just trusted them. Obviously, lap, laps of judgment there. But I didn't think they were going to like bring a ton of people. I thought it was going to be like a few of them. So do you think this was like the project X parties? No, no, no, no. But they just probably brought a lot of people and, and they clearly are just dumb doing teenage dumb things. But it was my lack of judgment. And I did get pissed. Like there was a few friends that I'm like obviously not friends with anymore because of that Like I lost a few friendships because of that. So did your parents ever get a new hot tub? No Yeah, so you deprive them of that Yeah, and for like the rest of my time living at home it was always I wish could be in a hot tub right now. So they like continued to bring it up. Oh yeah, yeah. To this day they'll make jokes here and there about it. Yeah. I guarantee if I ever get a hot tub in my life. They like didn't make you like repay or like. Nah. No they, luckily not.

Uh yeah, might as well. Jimmy? Wow. Yeah so I mean that's kind of a more serious story. I mean I'd say that that is a textbook childhood fuck up. A lot worse than not wanting some fucking plants. Yeah, but yours was more like the guilt the guilt level is perfect for like a little kid. I don't have I don't think I have anything like that. When that story started I thought it was good. It wasn't gonna be plants. I thought it was gonna be like, hey Can you like let our dog out? Or like take care of our dog while we're gone and then they come back and the dog is dead. You know what? It might have been a test to see if I could watch their dog in the future. And you failed. Yeah, which shit happens. Yeah.

So, if at this point you listened to last week's episode, we have our first unofficial, official, unofficial sponsor, our friends over at Old Country Buffet. Second. They are our new sponsor of the segment, Things I'm Still Mad About. And so part of this each week, Travis is gonna share some story or some little tidbit about things that he is still upset about. And before we get into that, we like to always check and see Old Country Buffet, up to 299 followers. I think they had last week.

I don't remember. They might think they had 299 last week. But we're, Nick is going to record this segment and we're going to post it every week, tag them. And they still have not posted, correct? Oh God, no. It's serious. Their last post was May 1st, 2016, with Amelia Bedelia. And so I think our goal here is, hopefully this is their official account too. That would be something if it was someone just playing a prank on us, but we're going to tag him every week.

And Travis is going to tell us something that he is still mad about to this day, and you kind of teased it last week with a Texas Roadhouse intro. So with that, Travis, what are you still mad about today? Jimmy, I appreciate you asking that. I teased it last week, that's correct. It's the Texas Roadhouse slash wrong number story, and it got brought up because we're talking about wrong numbers texting as last week. Well, I went to a Packer game, go pack go, huge fan. Aaron Rodgers, you can suck it. Um, went to a Packer game a few, three, four years ago and it was me, uh, I did friend Caden and then it was supposed to be his two cousins, Jordan and Alex, who are also good friends of mine.

Alex, the older of the two, I guess of the four of us, had a big boy job and had responsibilities. He couldn't, he said he could make it and then something came up and he couldn't. No big deal. So the three of us still go to the game. And we go, it's a Sunday night game. We go Saturday and we drank all day Saturday, all night Saturday. And our hotel room that we were staying at was near Green Bay and Appleton.

Right next to our hotel was the Texas Roadhouse, okay? That leads into the later on part of the story. We've been drinking all day and night. We come back, our hotel room is, it's a one bedroom, and that bedroom had two queen beds, but then it also had off from the bedroom, like a living room that had a pull-out couch. So it could easily set four, we only needed it for three. It was perfectly fine. When we get back to the hotel, after we were out drinking at the bars all day, like this is the day before the game.

We get back to the hotel, we go to the pool, we all put our swim trunks on, whatever. You know, we're drinking at the hot tub, which is sanitary, we talked about how hot tubs are okay. Because they probably have the right chlorine to water. Exactly. They have a spa manager. Right, a small expert. So after that we come back to the room and I go into the back room and I'm just changing. And the guys are like, someone's in the bathroom and someone's in the living room.

The person in the living room is Jordan, remember his brother's the one that couldn't make the trip. Jordan snapped a photo of me when I was changing in the other room because the door was open, my back's to him or whatever, but it's just a naked man with a butt, right? And because our hotel was so close to Texas Roadhouse, he had the geo location on the bottom that just said, you know, Texas Roadhouse, Appleton, from the geo tag, and then he put the caption on the Snapchat is, these aren't the buttons I remember, right? So as soon as he sent that to me, I screenshotted it, and I was like, dude, tell me your brother's number right now, because I'm gonna text him this photo, I don't believe he doesn't have my number. Well Jordan The thing I'm still mad about gave me his brother's phone number off by one digit and The reason I'm still mad is because I'm almost Positive he did it on purpose But I can't be for sure and he is not admitted to doing it He says it was not a purpose, but I swear it was on purpose. So anyways, I text this member, like five minutes go by, I get a response, who is this?

And I said, I don't know if I can say the bad word on here. I said, hey you, I don't know how to say this politically correctly. PG-13. Yeah, how do I say this PG-13? Hey you bundle of sticks. Oh my God. Okay, continue. Sweet Trav, now quit staring at my ass. And I got a response back, I do not know who you are, please delete my number.

And I was like, what? Like that's weird, Alex is messing with me, right? So like 10 minutes ago I was talking about this and Jordan goes, well what's the number that you texted? Off by a digit. talking about this and Jordan goes, well what's the number that you texted? Off by a digit, then, most people don't know you can even do this, but at the time you could. Now it's no longer a thing for, I don't know, privacy reasons, but you used to be able to, on Facebook, if there's a number connected to the account, you could type just the number in the search bar and it would tell you who it was.

And I typed it in, it was this little old lady from two towns over. No. I, and I texted right away, as soon as I saw that, because my heart sank so hard, I texted right away, I am so sorry, that was not intended for you, that was intended for a friend of mine, whatever, please accept my deepest sincere apology. And it came back number blocked. So to this day it hasn't been reconciled with this woman, and it is all Jordan's fault for intentionally giving me the wrong number. So first you tell us that you took $20 without doing any work and you haven't reconciled that issue.

Yeah. And now you tell us that you sent a picture of your butt cheeks to an old woman. And called her a very inappropriate bad name. Wow. And she never responded. She was blocked. You have the wrong number and then I don't know who you are. So when you say two towns over, was this two towns over from from Green Bay from all From here, so we could go apologize to her in person. I don't know this person's name. I don't know I don't I don't I Could tell you guys the name of the town, but no I don't know anyways Wow you have a lot of the time to do Yeah, so let's just if we go to Ikeman's and go right past sageville and go all the way to the top of the hill that town up there. Yeah, yeah I can't be that many old people in that town. Let's do knock on doors and find out doors Hey, remember these cheeky Your buddy did that on purpose ten out of ten Are you still friends with very good friends, so I think we need to bring him on the show look well I swear to Very good, friends.

So I think we need to bring him on the show. He would love it. But I swear to... And he's going to tell us... I swear to everything he did on purpose. I mean that's diabolical. Have you ever tried to like do something to get him back? I can't because I can't get him to admit he did it. That doesn't matter. So you have to do something that he wouldn't be able to tell if you did it on purpose or not.

Yes, I would do it in revenge I'm gonna I'm gonna send him this podcast and just say I want you to stick to this part and tell me if this Is on purpose or not? Oh, yeah. Yeah, and then we'll next week He would be glad to come on the answer call him. He lives in Iowa City Okay, I think we need to get to the bottom of this You got some work to do you got to go to a tone for stealing $20 from the old couple Which again is 30 or 40 dollars today so you better go pay them that. I think you need to give them a 50 dollar gift card to Texas Roadhouse. Connect the two stories. The plants didn't die.

Okay, like there was no... They paid you for a service that you didn't complete. No Mother Nature did though, it rained. It's not what they paid you for. You stole money. That's stealing, I just was a juror on this kind of case. I did. Wow, brag about jury duty. No, it was great. Yeah, but, hey, so I don't...

First person I've ever met who enjoyed jury duty. Dude, it was so much fun. I loved it. I was so upset when I didn't get picked to like stay. Oh, really? Yeah, dude, I was on a criminal case. Did I tell you about this? No, I don't think you can talk about it. I can now. They told us we can talk about it once it's done. I won't go into details, but I'll just say that this lady basically stole a bunch or she was making a lot of personal purchases through like 10 years of working at this place for like $50,000 worth and she's you know we found her guilty but what's crazy is like their lawyer at the end of it the defense lawyer was saying how he thinks that because it was credit it doesn't count as actually stealing anything. It's embezzlement still.

Because it's credit. Yeah, but she was being on trial for theft. And we all agree that that's not true. Well, actually, if she was on trial for embezzlement, obviously, but for theft? It was for theft and for unauthorized use of a credit card. Both of those things. And the theft, he was saying, you can't be stealing something because credit isn't anything yet.

True. But it's a line of credit. So that's kind of what we were saying is it's still it is being stolen ladies in federal prison because of you well I don't know what yeah I don't know what the sentence was but here's the crazy part she had brain cancer she was actively going to be guilty we all are heartless dude the evidence was overwhelming what am I supposed to do? She has evidence, she has to answer! We did. Guilty.

Were you like the jury spokesperson? No, so that's kind of like a myth. So nobody is the spokesperson up until the very last minute. Yeah, that's what I'm saying. Yeah, and he's not actually the, yeah, they just say, who wants to write down the verdict? That's it. That's all they did. They didn't read it out. You ever like wonder if you're a judge, like, because they see the verdict before it's announced, do they?

Yeah, they get the piece of paper. They get like a piece of paper that says, like, announce the verdict. Yeah, I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know.

I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. verdict before it's announced do they yeah they get the piece of paper they get like a piece of paper that's like and then it's just a formality for them to say it out loud correct you think a judge has ever like seen that and like reacted oh yeah I'm sure and then like oh wow they're you know yeah okay I'm sure well so what's funny is the guy who wrote it he goes he looks at the paper goes they need to make this more clear I gotta easily accidentally mark the wrong thing here.

Oh, and he was like, yeah, it's like a check box. It's like weirdly simple. Yeah. So, so he told that, said the judge afterwards and he goes, I've never heard that before. Noted. Uh, but they do pull you afterwards. So like they don't always, they don't have to, but they pulled us. And that's what it's just in case something like that happens. They go jury number 12. Is that true? Is that what you guys want decided? I like jury number 13 they go through everyone and we all said yeah, so we decided Wow That was crazy, man I do feel bad for her But she obviously did steal $50,000 worth like they showed us some of the purchases it was like an afford shit It was like cornhole set. Oh and I things that were just blatantly personal I was like she will wonder like was she buying this and then like reselling it to then make a she needed maybe yeah, right?

No, this was way before that. Oh, it wasn't so the better. That's how they found out was that she ended up leaving to go get surgery or whatnot and Her books were like open and they like had to close them out for the month And then they discovered all these crazy things that were going on is this in our town. Yeah, dude We might cut this whole part out. That's public record now though, right? They said as soon as that we were done with the case that we can talk about it on a podcast. I don't know. We'll just leave out the company. Yeah. Yeah. We've got the company and then we're fine. Um, but anyway, it was crazy being on it because here's the crazy thing. We're sitting there.

There's 12 of us. None of us have law experience. None of us know what the hell we're doing. Right. And it's crazy that this is our justice system because they're just like, all right, don't come out until you have decided. Here's the evidence. How long did you deliberate? It was like probably two and a half hours. Because we really like, here's the thing. They kept on saying that has to be guilty beyond a reasonable doubt because it's a criminal case.

Civil case is more likely than not. Criminal is it has to be guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. So we're like, all right, is this 100% certain? So we were going over all the evidence like all the charges It took a long time, and then eventually we're like all right. Yeah, can you imagine though that defense attorney? He's like hey don't do it to his client. Don't even worry about it. I got these fuckers pinned We I mean it did get me thinking like okay, I'm kind of has a point. It, it's a kind of a gray area, but it's a line of credit. So at the end of the day, it is, I mean, just hearing how you've described it, I'm, I don't think the lawyer's too far off.

I'm just thinking about telling my discover, Hey guys, I did not have an agreement to pay. This was on credit. So, well, listen, I actually saw a TikTok the other day that where a guy was saying he only uses credit card because it's way easier to get your purchases reimbursed if it is fraud. That is true, yeah. Because of that reason. So it's interesting. And then you see other ones where like people, they only operate on credit because if you're gonna spend money, make it be someone else's money, and then you pay it back.

Right, until you don't hit your yeah if you're disciplined yeah it's the only way is if you're disciplined I got in trouble that one I was like 23 yeah me too so I'm only 25 I'm 28 you're 28 actually I mean in three weeks you'll beg oh god three weeks are you 31 Oh You ever see Kevin Hart with Don Cheadle? No. Don Cheadle's like, and I'm 61 now, and Kevin goes, Damn! And Don gets pissed. I have seen that.

Yeah, I'm not far behind ya. I'm one full year behind ya, basically. And so, I always get to claim you're the old one in the group. That's right. Well, but then there's the other two that are married with kids. Yeah, somehow they get off scot-free. Who? Trevor and Luke? Oh, yeah.

I think I'm in this group. What are you fucking talking about? Jim you're old enough to remember this. Oh god thanks. The monopoly game from McDonald's. Yeah you know it was all rigged. I'm old enough too idiot. Yeah it was all rigged. Yeah sure. Well I didn't know. A couple years makes a difference. They would put like if you needed three winning pieces they'd put two of the three in like the Midwest. And then the third one would be in Florida. Yeah but people won it. Some guy ranked it. They won some small stuff. Some guy ranked it though and won like a million dollars on it and had to give it back. Really? I don't know. Yeah.

I think you guys would have heard about that. But my whole point is they should do like the Willy Wonka type kind of thing where like if you buy one of these you'll get the golden cans. And then Keaston did that. Really? Yeah, Keaston did those. And you win some of those. And they gave away a new Silverado. Damn. Yeah, see that's cool because limited edition and then all of a sudden you get like a gold limited edition We're partying but there's a huge problem with fraud though because like the people in the factory can watch where it goes True true true. Oh, yeah, it's gonna be Speaking of winning Travis you being a Dubuque er for your entire life. Do you know the the gentleman that won the $40 million?

I do not know him, but good for that guy. Damn, I was hoping you did like even loosely know him, and then we could convince him to come on the podcast. Oh, that would be fun. So that guy apparently, there's a guy in our town who won the fifth biggest jackpot in Iowa history, $40 million. He thought, it happened on April 1st of this year. Right, he thought it was a joke. Yeah, he thought it was an April Fool's prank. No way.

But he ended up taking the $21 million cash option, and then he's got to pay about 40% in tax so that leaves him call it 13 million and he's gonna give away like 10 to charities so good for that guy Wow so I just pulled an article how the McMillion scammers rigged McDonald's Monopoly game has sold 24 million so people obviously won dang but McDonald's McDoubles before I thought of the hangover I was the one I had queued up was gonna ask have you guys ever talked your way out of a speeding ticket yeah ton of times okay you would need to teach me how why do you bad luck yes when I was 15 I got pulled over on a Sunday on a school permit.

For those that don't have school permits in your state, you only get to go to school or school sponsored activities. So you can go to school, football game. Were you speeding? I was going 55 on a 25. Jesus! I had a legal exhaust, illegal window tint, no proof of insurance, registration, and I was driving on a school permit on a Sunday. But it was two weeks before my 16th birthday. And I was going to get, I was going to get my license.

I was gonna get my license in two weeks and I had another friend in the car. And I pulled off on the side street, it was like my first car, it was a stick shift. So I dropped second gear and forwarded, I was trying to show off to my buddy. It was a Honda Civic, it wasn't even fast, but in my mind it was. And in his mind, so give me some credit there. But anyways, I got pulled over instantly.

The guy, I didn't even see it was a gold Taurus, but it was a state trooper and he was driving near Grandview, which is like a residential street. He looked around as soon as he saw me because my exhaust is loud. I had subwoofers that were blasted in a legal tent, whatever. And I, he, I got on the side road and just punched it. You tried to evade him? No, no, no, no, no. Oh, I didn't even see it was him. So what ended up happening was I got pulled over and he like basically ran up to my door because he's like what the hell like he thought I was trying to rape him. He was like, you trying to run from me? I was like no I didn't even see like I didn't see you I'm sorry you know like as soon as the lights I pull over. He's like why you going so fast? I was like I just learned how to drive a stick I can't even get out of gear. Which is a horrible excuse. Anyone who knows anything I mean even a bike that's a horrible excuse.

Yeah. He's like, why are you going so fast? I was like, yeah, I couldn't get out of gear or whatever. He's like, did you think about taking your foot off the gas pedal? I was like, I don't know what I'm doing. I was freaking out. He's like, how old are you? I was like, 15. He's like, why are you driving? I was like, I'm on a school permit.

He's like, it's Sunday. I was like, I was getting my backpack in my buddy's house. He's right here next to me. He's like, that's not school sponsored. I was like, I thought it was school related. Oh my God. So anyways, the guy- You basically got out of this by playing dumb. So no, I got out of it by being overly apologetic and nice. I told him I can't get my license in two weeks. I really, if you get a ticket when you're on a school program, you can't get a ticket for 18.

So that would suck. And he felt for me on that. And so he ended up giving me warning for lack of proof of insurance. I could prove that I had it later on, but I didn't have the proof on me. No registration, failure to provide registration. I had it again, but I didn't have it on me. I don't think that's a thing anymore. It is. It is. You can just go out to the courthouse and prove you registered.

But then he gave me- I've never shown proof of registration and I've never been ticketed for it. You have a sticker on your bike and car. Oh, so then why do they ask you for I didn't have plates, bro Oh my god. Yeah And then I got a warning for loud exhaust a warning for speed and I got one ticket Which was for window tint because it was 5% tint which is like 65% illegal 70s the most you can have as far as how much light has to go through ads 5% so anyways he's like the only reason I'm giving you the fix it The the window tint ticket is like it's not moving. So you're stupid to get your license He's like if you you know if you Would have not been so cooperative would have not you know Done everything right? He's like When I pulled you over I thought I was taking someone to jail And he ended up giving me I was a three hour stop though.

I was sitting there from like one in the afternoon to four. But worth it. I've gotten two speeding tickets, but one for being on my phone. And he pulled me over and he goes, secondary fence. He was like, you're driving while being on the phone. And I was like, yeah. And he was like, well, he goes that I got to give you a ticket for that. And I was like, I thought that was just frowned upon I didn't think it was like actual ticket like masturbating on an airplane Yeah, I thought people just thought it was bad to do not like actually illegal. It was like oh, no. It's illegal He's like if it would have been speaker wouldn't given you a ticket. I You serious like I was on speaker just close my face. Yeah, I'm just deaf so I exactly Wow, didn't get I had a really good stretch where I like I would get warnings and now in the last I mean I got one in July and I got one this weekend both on the motorcycle no I've never been pulled over on the bike in four years. What? July last July in North Carolina all other highways I guess are 55 miles an hour have you ever tried to go 55 on an open highway where there's no other cars? Yeah it's really hard. Yeah, I'll try doing that on a motorcycle. So I was doing 70 in a 55 on an almost bare, yeah, and he gave me a ticket there. Wow. And then coming home from the races Saturday I was cruising this was like 1230 at night and I had that race mentality to yeah. Well, no, I mean, I don't know if he was dead It was just one of those like there was very little traffic on 218 and I'm just literally cruising I don't even have it on cruise control. I'm just going and He's going the opposite way and clocked me doing 84 and a 65. I mean that's almost 20 over.

But, again, I was like super like, I didn't try to fight it. I was very cordial, polite, etc. And I guess like at that, 84 and a 65 is like a two or three hundred dollar ticket. He marked me down, I was only doing 70 and a 65. That was a nice one. So, but then like, have you ever looked at a speeding ticket? It's like fine, $33. Court costs. Court costs, $65 yeah so my $100 ticket is like $33 for the actual offense it's some bullshit yeah but I think I gotta make 20 over that expensive oh yeah it's nearly felony I think I think five over selling yeah 25 no I you know I didn't get out of I did get a speeding ticket for this but I I should have gotten off for it I was going on 218 actually I was going 78 and a 65 in my first car that didn't have cruise control but I mentioned that too late because it was open road midnight I was going to see what is not my fiancee at the time was my girlfriend she looked her eyes away there's no cars in road. It's midnight. I can hold it for going 13 over. Hey, you've been drinking. No Shockingly, no, I haven't. Okay, where you heading? I'm heading here Why were you going so fast? I was like, honestly, there's no cars in the road. I just lost track how fast I was going Okay. Well 10 minutes later. He comes back. Well, here's a ticket in 13 overs, you know for me That's I'm gonna write it every time and I was like, yeah, I'm sorry. I don't have cruise control in this car it's a 2009 a Civic manual he's like you don't have cruise I was like no he's like I wish you would have told me that I would have let you off bro shit all right noted I'm gonna say that from here on out see the button that says set accelerate whatever he's not gonna let you look it's broken. Oh, we're So I can prove that The truck I have cruise control, but it's so old the buttons are all nothing you can't tell what any of the buttons Do you say it my cruise doesn't work?

I I literally never speed and now I'm five years clean record. So I think I could tell him. Hey You know My cruise isn't working in name. I can simply do one of our buddies just pissed me off. Remember last week we were talking about how Channels closed nationally? Yeah. I just was informed that they still have three locations. Roach up where? Should I look? Yeah. We'll get back to that. Cause then why would you close ours? Ours made money. We can bring our podcasting equipment and record a pod. I think there's one in Michigan actually.

Locations in Indianapolis is not that far. Six hours. Brookfield, Wisconsin? Brookfield, Wisconsin, yeah. That's outside of Milwaukee. And Eden Prairie is in Minnesota. Oh, we're only a couple hours. So that would be the closest. That's some bullshit. We should make a road trip.

I mean, if you're a real fan, we're taking a road trip. Let's fuck it, man. We can go hit up a Bucs game after. Gross. What do you mean gross? I hate basketball. Dude, they're one of the best teams in the NBA. Great. I'm not gonna lie. I'm not gonna lie.

I'm not gonna lie. I'm not gonna lie. I'm not gonna lie. I'm not gonna lie. I'm not gonna lie. House Rose basketball dude they're one of the best teams in the NBA great You don't enjoy no talent you guys go to boys. It's been real From champs in Brookfield, Wisconsin next week season 3 episode 3 garage beers. Love you boys you

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Jimmy Naprstek
Jimmy Naprstek
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S3E2 | Our New Co-Host Might Be a Criminal
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